Technical Edge

The only constant thing in technology is "CHANGE". We believe that the changes in technology are for good and they come with new challenges. We love to address challenges. Our team is regularly nurtured with upcoming technologies and standards. Our in-house R&D team is working on the below blocks in collaboration with industry leaders to innovate and deliver a better future.

Artificial Intelligence

Our focus is on developing the products and services deriving intelligence from Big Data.

Serverless Computing

The era of server computing has begun and we are all set for Function as a Service (FaaS).


We are committed to security and using Blockchain is simply awesome and a boon.


AIoT is transformational. AI adds value to IoT. We are enjoying doing AIoT.


Our Approach

We aim to solve the problems of masses by implementing ideas using technologies in innovative way.

Our Team have been and is a cause in the matter for the success of Fortune 500 companies by developing and delivering a variety of software products and services.

During development and post deployment we focus on the below blocks.

  • Secure Architecture

  • Scalable and Cost Effective

  • On Going Support

High-Performance Products and Services Delivered

We are passionate about making our clients successful. We partner with them empathetically. If you are ready to let us feel the soul of your business and share your challenge then we are game to solve the challenge, develop a solution and implement it efficiently and effectively.

Information Technology and Information Technology Enabled Services




Law Enforcement Agencies


What Client’s Say About Us